Friday, April 16, 2010

Espai Gaudí La Pedrera: March 12, 2010

La Pedrera is also known as Casa Mila and was designed by Antoni Gaudi. It was built during the years 1906 to 1910, but was officially completed in 1912. It is located on Passeig de Gracia in the Eixample neighborhood. The house that Gaudi built was for a married couple, Rosario Segimon and Pere Mila. The local government objected to some of the design aspects from Gaudi. The height of the building was exceeding the city standard while they also refused to approve the huge sculpture on top of the building.

The buidling has a very unique outside design. It is hard to imagine that someone actually lived inside there because of the amount of detailed work that has been put into building it. The building is almost as if a cliff like rock with caves. From the outisde, there are balconies with iron waves. The interior of the apartment gives an idea of how it must have looked during the 20th century. Just like the outside, the inside has virtually no straight lines. Each room has its own character while the attic shows Gaudi's works including photos and scale models of his buildings. By far my favorite part of the building is the roof terrace. It features several surrealistic colorful chimneys that look like something from a science fiction movie. The view is extraordinary as you can see over the entire district. Although Casa Mila was built in the early 1900s, I was surprised at how modern the house was inside and outside.

The inside of the apartment and each room has been preserved with original halls, drawing room, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. There are 5 floors including the main floor that all have common features. The main services, bathrooms, and kitchens are located around the courtyards while the sitting rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms are close to the facades.

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