Thursday, April 22, 2010

El Raval Barrio: April 22, 2010

The neighborhood, El Raval, is an interesting and exciting area that also has a darker side that people should be aware of. The area has a special personality and character all of its own that makes it a compelling place to visit. El Raval is part of the second stage development of historic Barcelona and used to be very densely populated until the city walls were removed around the turn of the 20th century and the Eixample area was built. Since 1988, the government started a huge urban regeneration project and invested a lot of money in cleaning up the area and it has become more modern and safer. This multi-cultural neighborhood has a variety of cafes, restaurants, and bars. In addition, there are numerous art studios, galleries, and trendy bookshops. The Museu d'Art Contemporani Placa Angels (MACBA) and the Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona (CCCB) are in the Raval area. It is also the location for an El Raval Humanities University. The CCCB is the first center in Europe to address the urban culture as a driving force behind change and a generator of social, urban planning and cultural developments.

The urban regeneration of El Raval has been led by public funding including money from the EU social cohesion fund. Today, private investment greatly exceeds public investment. The government has concentrated on improving infrastructure, municipal and district facilities, housing, employment, health, education, and social services. There were many kids in the area skateboarding which has become a popular aspect of coming to Barcelona.

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