Sunday, February 28, 2010

El Gimnasio: January 31, 2010

There was no way I was going to study abroad for 3 1/2 months and not find a gym. Our program CEA had a special deal with a gym called Holmes Place. So my friend and I decided we had to join. Before arriving to join I had no idea what to expect. How would the gyms in the U.S. compare to those here in Spain? Surprisingly the gym was extremely nice and had really great equipment. There was a swimming pool, cafe, wi-fi area, sauna, several treadmills, weights, and much more. Being in a great city like Barcelona with so much to do it would be easy to forget about working out and staying in shape. While at home I had a consistent schedule of going to the gym. Here it is difficult to find a routine with school during the day, going out at night, and traveling on the weekends.

My first time at the gym was an experience. All of the weights are in kilograms which was different than the United States. I had to test everything before I lifted it not knowing how much I was lifting. I soon learned that you multiply the weight in kilograms by 2.2 to get the weight in pounds. Also, the gym attire in Barcelona is very different to that in the United States. The men here wear very tight clothing some would call spandex. Also, there is a particular individual who is always at the gym when I am there wearing very short jean shorts with a tight t-shirt. First of all, I do not understand how that is comfortable to work out in. Secondly, the guy is by no means a small man. He is actually quiet large. It is rather disturbing to look at, but there's nothing you can do.

All kidding aside, I am really glad that I can continue going to the gym here in Barcelona and make time for everything else in my schedule. Not only would I be scared of what I would look like after my abroad experience of not working out, but I would probably be so weak that I would never hear the end of it from my friends. Not to mention if I continue to eat the way I have been lately it wouldn't be pretty. It's nice that I can take something that I enjoy doing at home and bring it to Barcelona. Doing things that make you feel as if you are home helps get over the idea of culture shock which I luckily have not really experienced.

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