Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nightlife in Barca: January 24, 2010

The nightlife in Barcelona is something that everyone at one point in their life must experience. It is truly incredible. In addition, it draws no comparison to anything else I have experienced in my life. There is so much variety in the city that there is something for everyone. From bars to clubs, there is no way you can be disappointed. Before coming to Barcelona, I heard about the social lifestyle here. How people don't go out until 2 AM and if you are at a bar/club before 2 AM you're considered early and very few people will be there. Most bars close around 3 AM while clubs close at 6 AM. The thought of this lifestyle for 3 1/2 months while studying in Barcelona was insane. How anyone could survive was beyond my imagination. This was just for the weekends like Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night, right? Wrong. Who knew that one of the most popular nights to go out would be Monday night? There is honestly someplace to go every night of the week, but there is no way my body or liver would be able to handle 7 nights a week of partying. So to compromise, most people take Sunday and Tuesday nights off. This is honestly the city that never sleeps.

So where are the hot spots you may ask. There are tons. Sure some clubs are more popular to go to on certain nights, but on any given night you could have a choice of 7, maybe 8 clubs to choose from. There's Otto Zutz, Broadbar, Duvet, Sutton, Razzmatazz, Oshum, Catwalk, CDLC, Opium Mar, Shoko, Chupitos, Dow Jones, and many more. Some of the most famous DJs from around the world travel to Barcelona to play at several of these clubs. Many places have more Catalans than others depending on the night and the club. Razzmatazz is a personal favorite of mine because it has 5 floors with different music playing on each floor. Chupitos is a fun bar that has tons of different types of shots. They light shots on fire which I have never seen before.

By going to all of these amazing places there is a price to pay. Drinks at these clubs/bars are crazy. A typical mixed drink can run you anywhere from 6 Euros to as much as 12 Euros. A shot is anywhere from 3 Euros to 5 Euros while a beer could cost 5 Euros to 7 Euros. So even though you may be having the time of your life, the hole in your wallet is probably getting deeper and deeper. The great thing about the nightlife in Barca is that every night is a new experience. Even though you may be going to a bar or club that you have been to before, your experience will be different each time you go.

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